20060107 This news item appeared on theedgedaily.com. For traders and investors, basically the comments in the article can be boiled down to the supply and demand forces which govern every market. In this case the market is for GLC shares. When the revamp were announced, buyers (demand) all rush in to buy ghe GLC stock causing an increase in demand. In the meantime, sellers would pull their orders, perceiving the GLCs might increase in value or undergo a rerating, causing a shrinkage in supply. Consequence? Demand exceeds supply so the prices move up, overshooting the fair or 'true' value as markets often do due to the speculative fervour and emotional behaviour of human fear and greed. This is the basics of how markets function. OK, later those who rushed in to buy and read the 'slow' progress reports of the GLC revamps. What happens? The process is reversed and now supply exceeds demand, whereupon prices are driven lower. Fear now ruled the market as greed ruled before.
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