20060206 Some positive reports come out, slowly but surely, there is a realisation that the bull is upon us. The apathy and total disregard for the Bursa stocks we saw in Dec 2006 was just a classic capitulation, whereby whoever couldn't stand it totally cut loss of the stock positions held and gave up on Bursa stockmarket.(including one Singapore fund manager described by Amresearch as having "totally sold out of his Malaysian stock portfolio) When people hold on to losses for a long time capitulates, it signals the beginning of the end for the bear and a new beginning. It is a symptom of Asian markets where not many are willing to stick their necks out to anticipate a possible turn in markets. Just last week's theedge daily newspaper's roundtable meeting with a few research heads who were "unanimously not bullish" on the Bursa stocks. Now we have to see how far the market can go, it may yet be not too late for the 'latecomers'.
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